Five Star Select

About the Five Star Select Portfolio

The Five Star Select model portfolio is the result of a rigorous, research-driven investment selection process that we meticulously developed.

We started by asking ourselves a fundamental question:

What are the five must-own stocks that an investor needs to hold if they want to outperform the S&P 500 index over the long term?

To answer this, we didn’t rely on conventional wisdom or popular trends. Instead, we embarked on a deep dive into the world of finance. We sifted through thousands of SEC filings, scrutinized investment research papers, and analyzed the selection strategies of top hedge funds and institutional managers.

Through this comprehensive research, we developed a proprietary investment model designed to surface what we believe are the five essential stocks that have the potential to beat the market.

As professional investors, we’ve used this model as a powerful tool to complement broader, personalized investment strategies. While the Five Star Select model was not originally created as a stand-alone portfolio, it has consistently provided valuable insights that enhance our overall approach to investing.

This model is not about chasing trends or following the crowd; it’s about identifying the core stocks that we believe are essential for long-term success in the market. We’ve put in the work, done the research, and developed a model that we trust to guide our investment decisions—and now, we’re sharing it with you through the Five Star Select portfolio.

Objective of the Five Star Select Strategy:

Maximum Long-Term Growth

The Five Star Select strategy is designed with one clear objective: to deliver maximum long-term growth.

By leveraging our extensive investment research, this concentrated portfolio aims to outperform the S&P 500 over time.

We focus on identifying the five must-own stocks that offer the best potential for capital appreciation, regardless of market cap, sector, or industry.

(Source: YCharts as of 7.31.2024)

Who Should Invest in the Five Star Select Portfolio?

This strategy is ideal for investors who:

  • Are seeking significant long-term growth and are willing to embrace a concentrated investment approach.

  • Have a high tolerance for potential volatility and are comfortable with the risks associated with non-diversified portfolios.

  • Are looking to complement their broader investment strategy with high-conviction, expertly selected stock picks.

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